Saturday, June 19, 2010

Shutter Island

Last night H got Shutter Island out on Blu-Ray for us to watch. It was directed by Scorsese and had heaps of good actors including Ben Kingsley, Max Von Sydow and Leonardo DiCaprio. It was good actually, you kind of knew something was real suspicious about everything from the first minute and both H and I figured out almost straight away who that missing "extra" patient was, but yet when the revelations came towards the end it was still very emotional. There is a scene at the end that was so incredibly heart-wrenching.
I have to say Leonardo DiCaprio has done well for himself. I remember being a teenager and totally in love with him from Romeo & Juliet and Titanic (like most teenage girls at that time) and look at him now; he survived all that hype and is a very well-respected actor. And yes, he is still amazingly goodlooking. Big sigh...
Parcel arrived in Sweden on Friday at 10pm. So now it needs to go from Stockholm to Stromsund wherever the hell that is. Fingers and toes crossed.
There's a royal wedding happening in Sweden right now. Crown Princess Victoria and her personal trainer. I love watching royal weddings but it doesn't seem like they're going to show it on TV here. Oh well, why would they really? Maybe it'll get a mention on the news tonight at least.

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