Monday, July 12, 2010

Bland day.

So, I got up very early to watch the game. No goals by half-time. No goals after second half. Plenty of yellow cards though, those naughty Dutch! Extra time started, and yeah I have to go to work. Bum! So dropped M off at kindy, standing on the train wondering how it all went down, get off the train in the city and can hear plenty of cheering and singing and loud shouts of "Viva Espana!". I was so happy I skipped all the way to the surgery.
Got to work and R had been up early to watch it too, so we spoke of nothing else all morning. Such awesomeness that Spain won. I lived in Madrid for 6 months when I was 20 years old, and have visited on a few other occasions, and I have friends in Bilbao, so I can kind of imagine how freaking over-the-top excited and happy the Spaniards would all be. They live and breathe soccer, and now for the first time they are world champions. Hooray!
Apart from the World Cup, this has been a very bland day. Work was kind of lazy, finished decent time, went home and did washing, picked M up, cooked dinner, prepped lunchboxes, and that's about it.
My eyes looked good this morning, no need to put cream on or take antihistamines, so that was great.
Will now return to the Kingdom of Volveon, as M and H are both in bed early (although I'm the one who was up at 4.30am!) so will cherish the silence and the time for my creative outlet.
By the way... sometimes I am so freaking smart.

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