Sunday, July 11, 2010

We've gone medieval today

And a weekend that started off terribly bad with the return of allergies ended up being really awesome for a few different reasons.
First! Now we have more knowledge how to deal with my break-outs. We washed, mopped and I took antihistamines and that cream from the dermatologist and by midday it was pretty much gone. It was back again this morning, but not as strongly, and another application of that cream and we're good. So, hopefully it will slowly settle down.
Second! H insisted on me going to the hairdresser. So I did, and it looks great.
Third! We had a BBQ Saturday night with friends.
Fourth! We went to The Medieval Festival. And it was the best! Even H thought so. We ate some food, drank some coffee, watched a puppet show with dragons and knights, looked at swords, helmet, chainmail, bows and arrows, you name it! Then we watched a tournament with sword fighting and an archery competition. Thousands of people, and not just nerds like H thought it would be, and about half of them were dressed up for the occasion. Lots of kids and every little boy had a wooden sword so M got one too. It was just removed from him about 5 minutes ago because he attacked my car with it.
The only thing we missed out on was the jousting because the tokens were all sold out by the time we went to buy them. Next year we will definitely get jousting tickets as soon as we arrive. Oh yes, we are definitely going next year. It was such good fun.
Funny to walk around the Viking section though. All these Aussies selling Mjolnirs and teaching people how to do runes. Weird, it's like, hey! I'm the Viking... you're like... Australians.

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