Sunday, November 28, 2010

Taking Min out for a shoot

Just back from archery. I got to go out on the range today, and it was really fun. Although there is this one person who is driving me nuts... because I'm on my own I keep getting put together in a group with a young couple and whilst the guy is really nice, the girl is horrible! I can not stand her! I don't want to like tell them to piss off, I mean this is a social activity and I want to make friends and have fun and the guy is totally great and... yes... whatever. I really need an archery partner, so I have put up a plea on facebook and hopefully someone will want to go with me.
Going to have a shower now and get dressed. We're picking up little cousin and his friend from the Valley and taking them out to Calvert. Going to finally get to meet Sid and Barrett!
Last night was drama; massive domestic at a house next to our block of units and the guy ended up wandering around our property and finally H and the others called the police. Where was I? Sleeping in M's bed, I had a bit too much wine and fell asleep whilst settling him!

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