Sunday, December 19, 2010

Kookaburra Queen

So ends the last weekend before Christmas... it has been a busy one.
Yesterday I went to work at HH and it was okay, I was working in a surgery I don't know very well so felt a tad unbalanced but hey, it was all good. H was working too, so BSMD took care of M in the morning. And wowsa, did he have the best day! Baked cookies and went in the pool four times! H even got some footage of him swimming all by himself in the pool, I'm so proud.
This morning, after eating pancakes H made, we had a playdate with A&E and the kiddies swapped Christmas pressies. M got very awesome Swampfire toy and was totally stoked.
Then went home for a quick change of clothes and off to the city for the Kookaburra Queen lunch for the Christmas party for H's work. It was lovely, even if it rained the whole cruise. Definitely doing that with mummy and uncle J when they come here next year sometime. M's favourite moment was going up and saying hello to the Captain. Then he asked me why the Captain didn't have a patch so I had to explain the difference between this particular Captain and a pirate one. He understood.
H is still out partying with his work mates whilst we're relaxing at home. He's got to be on a plane to Melbourne tomorrow morning, they just kind of sprung that on him this afternoon. Oh well, just as long as he's home before Christmas!!!

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