Saturday, February 5, 2011

Birthday lunch

Today was the day!
My birthday is tomorrow but the lunch was today because tomorrow we have to go to E's 4th birthday party and Z's 5th birthday party.
After all the anxiety, well I just had the best time! Auntie L and Uncle P showed up, and L&J, DJE, F&B&A and SF from work, and J&C too. And also, all the way from Sydney; Uncle G!!! Almost brought a tear to my eye. So special, the best ever.
Well, we all ate beautiful food and had a nice table in the air-con and I got a bit drunkish but not too bad, and everyone left on a good note and yes. It was wonderful.
This morning I picked up my present from M's Grandma; beautiful Hugo Boss perfume.
I have been sooo spoiled this birthday. Lucky me!

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