Thursday, February 10, 2011


Well, today has been quite similar to yesterday. I felt better this morning because I had so much sleep (apart from back being sore from spending 9 hours in bed) but absolutely no appetite. Forced down a milkarrowroot biscuit for breakfast. Went to work; it was very busy and lots of things happening but it wasn't a train-wreck type of day like yesterday was.
Anyways, around midday I managed a banana and instantly felt better. Went home and ate a muesli bar, it totally rejuvenated me. Lots of sugar in those, I guess.
So yeah, remember how I did Step One of my New Years Resolution a few weeks ago? Well, it failed actually because I'm a knob-head. Once I realised this afternoon what had happened it was the whole slap-on-the-forehead type of moment. Arrhh! Silly me!
Therefore after that rejuvenating muesli bar I went to the shops to rectify my silly mistake and realised we are in February now so might as well combine the two. Therefore got more stuff, and now it's on its way. The right way this time.
Picking M up soon. Chicken Drumsticks for dinner tonight. Hope I can eat.

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