Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I got the day off work today! Yay!
WW has got his girlfriend here in Brissie at the moment and therefore doesn't want to work (fair enough) so that has left me with a free Tuesday.
Dropped M off at kindy and have been cleaning up around the house and popped out to the shops to go to the optometrist. New lady today, and she was quite patronising to me at first... until I made it quite clear I did not appreciate it (I was only a little bit rude, ha ha) and then she was okay.
Been working on New Years Resolution Part 3 too, very happy with the result. Will be travelling by tonight, I think... :-)
H is away for two nights, so tonight I am having two-minute noodles and M is having Kids Ravioli (5 minutes in boiling water and some tomato sauce= done!) which will be awesome.

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