Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Revelations of Dr Modesto

I have just finished my first non-fantasy book in months, and it was a good one too. I did try to read "The Zahir" by Paulo Coelho first but hated it, and therefore moved on to this one. It reminded me very much of the books I used to read when I was younger, such as "1984" or "Brave, New World". You know, books with a message instead of dragons :-) HA HA!
I think even though this book was written in the 50s it's still kind of valid. Basically; the life philosophy of Centralism is about giving up your own personality and become "central" as in the middle of everything all the time. Nobody is intimidated by you, nobody finds you offensive or difficult or overbearing or anything, everyone likes you because you are just like them or slightly less than them.

The book follows Hal Hingham who through Centralism goes from being what society would consider a big loser to a big winner. But he's completely miserable because of it and therefore goes to find the founder of Centralism; a Dr Modesto.

It wasn't a page-turner or anything, and it was quite short, but it was very enjoyable. Thank you Auntie L for lending it to me.

Time to play Duplo Golf with M; he's made golf clubs out of Duplo...


  1. Have u read "Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho? If not, I think u it is better to read it first and then go with the rest of his books. Sim

  2. Kanske dags man letar upp en bok att läsa var ju minst tio år sedan man öppna en.

    Kul om ni får ett nytt boende.

  3. Sim, you are not the first one to tell me that! Maybe I should give it a go... although I was pretty put off by "The Zahir"...
