Saturday, April 2, 2011

Supanova 2011

We just got home from Supanova. Dear me! Whoever it was that told me it was a great day out with kids... THEY LIED! It was madness and extremely crowded and hot and bothersome and you had to wait in line for absolutely everything. We did not see Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter because the only way to get anywhere close to him was to buy a special picture and then queue for hours so he could sign it for you. Gosh, it was an hour of waiting in line just to get inside and we still had pre-purchased tickets! Good on all the crazy kids who were dressed up! Lots of people had made a wonderful effort and looked beautiful/crazy/great. There were plenty of Storm Troopers and superheroes and a couple of Jack Sparrows and of course a million different anime-characters that I am not familiar with... Well, as you know the main reason we went was because of Robin Hobb and we did go to a seminar she held which was wonderful and I bought her new book and got it signed. See picture evidence!


  1. det måste ha kännst bra att träffa författaren
    du ser så fin ut
    kramis mamma/mormor

  2. Tack mamma. Det var jatteroligt. Hon gav mig ett litet bokmarke ocksa; kanns som mest vardefulla agodelen nagonsin :-)
