Monday, June 20, 2011

Too sick to be upset anymore

Well, H put his foot down last night and called my boss to tell them I wasn't coming into work today. This because I had spent all day yesterday with a fever lying on the couch unable to move. I saw a doctor who told me I needed to rest. For obvious reasons pneumonia isn't something you want when you're pregnant.
So today I managed to get M to kindy, then I went home and slept. Did two loads of washing and read one chapter of a book, and then slept some more. Picked M up and took him to Hungry Jacks where I did drink my cup of Diet Coke and all of my chippies (but only a couple of bites off my chicken wrap) and now I'm wearing three jumpers and three pairs of socks and the heater is on in the living room. M is wearing shorts and a T-shirt because he reckons it's really hot in here. I still have a little bit of fever but I can at least walk around.
I do feel better, so will drag myself into work tomorrow but will work at my own pace.
How could they not understand? Anyways. It doesn't matter. They don't matter to me. Ha.

1 comment:

  1. Bra att du har vilat försök göra det så mycket du kan Önskar jag kunde hjälpa dig hm hm
