Friday, June 10, 2011

Who is Mittens?

Well, we have had a very eventful Friday!
First of all we got up to speak to P&E and I showed them all around the new house with the laptop computer. That was lots of fun.
We went to swim school where M did really well, and then to gymnastics where he played up a little bit at first but improved heaps in the second half and finally ended up with lots of stars in his Book of Achievements which means that next week, which is Presentation Week, he will get his very first badge! How exciting.
After some well-earned lunch at McDonalds (for financial reasons we will no longer go to expensive coffee shops on Fridays; burgers and chips will have to do) we visited the local library (another money-saving exercise) where I got myself a library card and a Robin Hobb book I haven't read for $0. There you go!
So who is Mittens? Mittens is a soft toy from kindy. If a child is well behaved during the week, he or she gets to take Mittens home for the weekend. It's a great honour and M was super-excited that it was his turn!
There's also a Scrapbook in which mum or dad put in pictures and write a little bit about what Mittens and the child have been up to. Of course M wants me to take pictures of EVERYTHING he and Mittens have done; we have pics from both swim school and gymnastics from today.
It's really fun, actually, and I can't wait to put it all in the Scrapbook by the end of the weekend...
Now it's off to bed! Just baked first ever batch of brownies in the new house... they burnt! Meh. Going to Swedish School tomorrow.

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