Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The death of Jon

Finished the book!
Remember how I said that I was fine with GRRM as long as he didn't kill Jon Snow???
Well. Guess what. Anyways, he won't stay dead. He'll warg into Ghost probably, or Melisandre will revive him or something. SOMETHING! Gah!
Tyrion's story was okay but a bit slow moving; Dany was just annoying sitting on her throne not making her mind up about anything, Bran was fine and so was Arya although not that much happened. Quentin Martell felt unnecessary (was he only there in order to free the dragons?).
Aegon... kind of weird.
My favourite? Definitely Reek/Theon. He used to be such a horrible person, but it was so satisfying to see him return to humanity. Funny that.
Either way, let's hope GRRM doesn't take 5 years to write the next book. I think I'll give this one 3.5 out of 5. Not enough happened, although there was heaps of fun details and stuff to discuss or consider and ponder whilst we all wait for Winds of Winter.

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