Thursday, July 28, 2011

Zhu Zhu

A busy morning, in a good way!

I didn't have to go to work (big bonus) so took M to kindy a little bit later in the morning and then drove to the hospital for my second visit to the ante-natal clinic. Today I got to see a doctor; a young Japanese guy who pronunced "vaginal" really funny. Ha ha ha! Anyways, he was lovely and I still feel really positive about the whole thing. I don't have to go back until 28 weeks now (in two months time) because I'm considered very low risk. Yay for that!

Got sms from CL who had her little boy early this morning; his name is Ethan. Beautiful name. Hooray! Her labour had come on naturally which was wonderful but unfortunately the epidural hadn't worked so there had been plenty of pain.

Drove to North Lakes and ate bacon & eggs at a coffee shop and then tried to shop for some maternity wear at Pumpkin Patch but it was all awful. Finally found a plain, black shirt at Target which will be good for work. Also got some birthday pressies for M's friends (he's got three birthday parties coming up, well at least he's got a great social life, ha) and some birthday cards and wrapping paper and oops that all ended up costing $85! Gah!

I also bought this very big Zhu Zhu pet. M loves Zhu Zhu pets; he's got heaps of the little ones that we get from Woolies for $3 each. Never seen a big one like this though, so I couldn't help myself. He's going to loooooooooove it! Oh yeah, I put a little one next to it as a comparison. Ha.

Anyways, still got a few things to do today so off I go. See you all later.

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