Friday, August 12, 2011

Choc Chip Cookies

I baked them tonight following a recipe on the back of the Choc Bits packet. They're okay, the boys liked them. Bringing them to Swedish School tomorrow.
Today was a new type of Friday fun day. We started the day with the groceries and then to gymnastics where I think M behaved slightly better not being all tired from swimming already. After gymnastics we went to the library and got some new books out.
So, new swim class was on just after 3pm. It was different! My goodness, she just threw them in and turned away like with no concern. Ha. The first 5 minutes I was on the edge of my seat, then I realised M was doing fabulously. He manages in the water just fine, all by himself, and this was exactly what he needed to progress. I am very happy.
Then we also won three toys at the skill tester. Ha ha ha.

1 comment:

  1. Duktig mamma och duktig Marcus
    kramar från en trött mamma/mormor
    det blir inte så mycket sömn på båten
