Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sylvia by Bryce Courtenay

I wanted to read something different; something easy and melodramatic and train-friendly, so I picked up this book at the library a couple of weeks ago. I have read one other Bryce Courtenay book called "Brother Fish" which was quite silly but entertaining enough to at least finish.

This one though... gah! It's the story of this young girl called Sylvia in the dark ages in Germany and it's ultimately trying to portray an event called "the Children's Crusade" but it takes almost 4/5 of the book to get there.

It is very much about Christianity; a subject I find very hard to read about. Not because I'm against religion at all; it's a wonderful part of some people's lives and I respect that, but it's not for me. I'm not sure if the author himself is religious, but I think he probably is? Either way; there's too much of it in there. It is what drives all the characters, all the time.

And isn't there something kind of creepy about an old male writer seeming to absolutely love writing in details about the sexual adventures of a teenage girl? Like, seriously! And I felt all of that shit was so out of character, it was just weird.

So, yeah. I never finished it. Don't read it. It's rubbish.

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