Sunday, August 7, 2011

What a weekend!

Saturday I worked and H took M to a birthday party at a play centre. Then H went out for drinks with J at night and stayed the night at J's house.

Today Sunday M and I had a sleep-in until about 7.30am all cuddled up together in bed, and then we went to the pool where we splashed around for a good 45 minutes. Then home again for showers and relaxation until a slightly hung-over H got home.

A couple of hours later we all went to the Pine Rivers Show which is like the Ekka but much smaller and only 15 minutes walk from our house!

Obviously M had the best time ever at the show; he's getting into that perfect age for such adventures. Tried fishing for duckies for prizes, going on big slides and rides, watching dog races, went on a miniature train ride and did some clay work and art, patted some goats, and of course got a showbag! He only got the $6 Caramello Koala one, but seemed super stoked with it anyways (see picture).

He wasn't keen on the ferris wheel though, or riding camels. Ha ha. Maybe next time.

Time to make lunch boxes for tomorrow and all that stuff. I feel really good tonight, have eaten quite well today and had heaps of exercise. Excellent way to end an excellent weekend :-)

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