Thursday, July 18, 2013

State of Origin

We watched State of Origin last night. H and I are very much not interested in rugby, but this was a game we both wanted to see. And yay, the Maroons prevailed for the 8th year in a row. I almost felt a little bit sorry for the Blues...
It was quite hilarious at the end, with three minutes remaining and 10-12 was the score and the Maroons were like a metre from the score line and a STREAKER runs onto the ground and the players fall over him and everything, LOL!
So went to the doctor yesterday, which went well. On a very positive note, all my blood tests were great. Especially my cholesterol levels were amazing, something I celebrated with smashing a whole block of chocolate afterwards lol.
So really, it all comes down to me taking it easy now, and try to make time for exercise and try to eat properly, and have that day off from time to time. We should manage that I think.
Today I have managed to achieve a few things; including getting the ball rolling on getting my first aid done, the translation of my Swedish birth certificate and making some other appointments. Little J has now fallen asleep so will bake something and clean bird cage. Totally exciting day, hey.

1 comment:

  1. Skönt att allt är bra och hoppas du kan hitta tid för dig själv och lite vila
