Saturday, November 30, 2013

Candy canes for the class mates

Today M and I made these. They are candy canes wrapped in colourful paper, held together with ribbons and a tag saying "Merry Christmas from M". One for each friend in class, he's going to hand them out on Monday.
Last night was work Christmas party, which was alright. We left before dessert because of the kids being tired. Then at around midnight Little J woke up burning hot. She had a temp of 39.4! So Panadol helped, and today she's been up to 39 twice so we've had to give her more Panadol. Poor little monkey.
We were all going to a Christmas party with the car club tonight, but I'm staying at home with our sick little girl and the boys just left. Such is life, hey...

1 comment:

  1. Stackars liten busa hoppas hon mår bättre
    vilken rolig idé med presenterna
    stora kramar
