Saturday, November 9, 2013

More clay

I'm really enjoying this at the moment.
Big week it was.
Worked as per usual during the week, then on Friday night M had school disco. Today we went to a birthday party at the park, which was ridiculously hot and bothersome. Then I went to the shops to get some stuff and enjoy air-con and peace and quiet. Bought some stuff for Little J's birthday party as well, yay.
Tomorrow it's swim at 7am, then breakfast at the O'S's house at 9am and then we are going out for lunch with JV and B at Kedron Park Hotel. In the afternoon I've got to drop the finches off at A's house because she's babysitting them while we're away.
Monday morning we're off to Yamba for three nights. A holiday, unbelievable.

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