Friday, May 28, 2010


Sweden didn't even make it to the final in Eurovision. Will I even bother watching it then? Well, yeah. It's usually good fun either way. The voting is my favourite part, all these TV personalities from different countries who speak very bad English making for wonderfully hilarious moments. At least this year the actual hosts will probably speak English well, they are in Norway after all.
Up late last night emailing with the Demons. Pleasant conversation this time, it's all about who it is on the other side. Have not had the same person twice which seems so bizarre. I'm sure there would be some sort of assigning certain duties to certain people or is there just that much staff there? Anyways, the lady yesterday was actually regretful about not being able to give me what I asked for. Like she said "I'm sorry unfortunately I can't help you with that, but I will do this instead...". It was regarding a small issue, but either way I appreciated her understanding and she went out of her way to provide me extra info that I had not directly asked for. So yay for her. Now I just got to keep praying for the ATO papers to arrive on time, and try to figure out how to deal with the cause of most of my agony next week.
Something positive! Following Brandon Sanderson on twitter. Looking good for TofM release in October. Ah, can't wait. It will be so freaking exciting and thrilling and crazily awesome.


  1. Synd att hon missade finalen men hon var så duktig så det gör inget och det är en söt liten sång
    Bra att dom är snälla mot dig på CSN det är en svår myndighet att ha att göra med
    älskar dig massor

  2. Nja, snalla ar de kanske inte. Men man vet iallafall att man har med manniskor att gora ibland.
