Saturday, May 22, 2010

Up early Saturday morning

H and I had some drinks last night. His ones contained caffeine which meant he didn't fall asleep until 4.30am this morning. My ones were BlueTongues which meant I passed out at about 9pm and woke up at 4.30am this morning. So yes, he fell asleep at the same time I woke up.
Spoke to my mum this morning. Apparently dad is in hospital with pneumonia! Worry! But she thinks he'll be back home tomorrow and all will be well. I hope she's right. Alskar dig morfar!!!
Also we spoke about the Swedish Demons who are in a pile of shit in the media over there. Serves them right, I say. Bumholes.
Today is all about H (well,once he gets up anyway) as he leaves tomorrow morning for work interstate. Hopefully we will get to the Ben10 show, otherwise whatever he wants to do.
Library was quite a success yesterday. M even sat down on a bean bag and listened to a story. Yes, he sat still for 5 minutes! Amazing.

1 comment:

  1. hoppas du fick sms att pappa är hemma igen och är bra
