Tuesday, June 15, 2010

ATO sucks!

Because I still don't have those papers. Thinking about emailing the Swedish Demons tonight, just let them know. Assure them I know I need to pay on the 31st, and that I do have a payment plan in mind. Might have to bite the bullet and talk to H about this.
At least progress on another front today! Got thumbs up with work regarding working on Thursdays, kindy is all good and so is swim. So it has not been a completely useless and frustrating day. M will be in his favourite swim teachers class too on a Friday, good stuff.
Far out, I really need to stop being so self-destructive. I feel like shit and I look like shit, and I know why. Too much stress and not enough food, too much coffee and not enough sleep, too much anger and not enough fun.
But it's like I don't even know where to start. Like I can't deal with life right now. Peaks of stress just flows right over me every few minutes and I panic. It's exhausting. I'm exhausted. Maybe a cry would be good, but I can't do it. I can't even freaking cry.
So, that's a big sook from me. Now I might go make myself another coffee, because that is just what I don't need.

1 comment:

  1. Prata ´med Haydn om CSN och berätta hur du mår och att du behöver lite stöd ibland
    Ingen orkar allt
    kramar mamma
