Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Aussie Post

It's all up to them now. It's on its way in an International Courier bag that cost a freaking fortune. 2-4 working days, so it could actually make it. Anyways, have emailed the Demons and explained everything. Hopefully they will understand. It's not like I'm trying to postpone any payments.
Tomorrow might have some fun, eh? M and I going to take train to Roma Street to join my work friends for S's farewell lunch.
Actually struggling a little bit with Feast For Crows. The Greyjoys aren't really doing it for me and even though Brienne is all likeable her story arc isn't very interesting (maybe because I know she's not going to find Sansa?). The best part so far is Cersei. What an insanely stupid woman. And the Dornish are good fun too, sand snakes and soiled knights and all that.
Oh yeah, a patient gave me a hug today! He is one of our nicest patients and has been coming for years but I did not quite expect that. He always asks about M and stuff, and another patient gave me a hug and a kiss earlier in the year just after showing me photos of his granddaughter so it's not like THAT, if you know what I mean, but it still makes me totally super awkward. I mean, do people usually hug and/or kiss the receptionist at their dental surgery?
Or am I so incredibly nice and wonderful that people just can't help themselves? Ha ha! Yeah, right. H hates hearing about it, though. Funny.


  1. Hoppas ni får en fin dag jag kommer sova gott efter att ha pratat med er
    älskar er alla
    mormor/pretty face

  2. Inte ´så konstigt att du får kramar så fin som du är
    puss igen
    mormor/pretty face
