Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Australian Taxation Office

Far out, I am stressing out about these ATO papers not coming! Lazy buggers! Well, I just spoke to a guy who said they SHOULD be here before Friday... please please please ATO! PLEASE!
Anyways, finished work early today so catching up on washing and might bake my boys some brownies too. Tomorrow is all about talking to mormor and morfar and then swim school, in the afternoon might try to catch up with A&E if they're free. Might give them a ring after I finish this.
H is pretty excited about Jolene. I'm starting to think it was a more fitting name than first believed. It certainly seems like Jolene is trying to take my man! :-)
Almost finished Storm of Swords. Lots of deaths in this book, both good ones and bad. Then there is only one book left, sniffle. It came out 5 years ago and yet the next one still has not been finished... he's a slow mover, that writer.
Feels like I am getting somewhere close to some sort of structure to my Book Two as well. Changing the first chapter around has moved plenty of things into place. Then also had a brilliant idea to completely change a scene halfway through which suddenly went from dull depression to a little bit thrilling (well, I hope anyways).
It's all about escaping my own reality really. I will not deny it.

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