Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sleeping beauty

For the first time ever M has fallen asleep on the couch watching TV. Lots of kids do it all the time and oh how I have envied their parents...
It's been a very big day for the little guy. We were up early and spoke to P&E on the webcam, then off to swim school which was great as always. I think one of the teachers really loves M. He used to be M's teacher, but we couldn't stay with him in this level so got a girl teacher now. But most weeks he is in the pool that old teacher comes over to help out with the group, even when it's not needed, and he only helps M. He does nothing with the other kids at all. It's totally cute, and M loves him. When we move to a Friday class hopefully we can get in one of his groups.
Got home and neighbours boy was there, came over and they played happily together and then A&E came over too and the three little kids had lots of fun together. Good catching up with A for me too, we always have good chats about this and that.
So after all this excitement I started making lasagna, which takes forever to prep, and plonked M on the couch in front of Spidey DVD with cosy blanket. Proceeded to making lasagna, an hour later realised it was very quiet out in the living room and yes... he's asleep! Wow. I hope we can do that again!!!

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