Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Damn it's cold!

H left for Rockhampton this morning, he'll be back Friday night. So once again I'm flying solo. At least it means less washing and less cooking and lunchbox making (hey, I'm just trying to look at this from a positive angle!).
Winter is coming. Well, actually it's here already, but I just felt like quoting from one of my favourite books. It's very cold! It's not cold like Sweden is of course. No degrees below zero or snow or any of that, but at least in Sweden everyone's got efficient central heating. Here, in tropical Queensland, it's probably around 15 degrees today both outside and inside. Yes everywhere! Except for on the train, where we all stand huddled together sweating and perspirating lovely scents that make for such a delightful way to begin your day. So I would say the cold feels worse here, because there's no escaping it!
Lots of peppermint tea to stay warm and hot showers until the hot water runs out. Heaters on in the bedrooms while we sleep. It's still cold. Cold, cold, cold.
On an extremely positive note, Brandon Sanderson has twittered today that he has finished first draft of Towers of Midnight. And also, I'm all set for my archery beginners course in July/August. Can't wait. I'm doing it as research for my book, since the female protagonist carries a bow. Next might try some sword play. Hopefully can find something along those lines at the Medieval Festival next month. H not keen on that festival by the way. Too Dungeons&Dragons-geeky for him. Well, dude! Look at your wife. Ha ha. He has promised to come along, but in disguise just so nobody could possibly recognise him. Hilarious.
Feels like a good day today. Maybe a good week even. Hey, shut up! Don't jinx yourself.
See you later, from Annie the Archer. Oh, sounds so cool! :-)

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