Thursday, June 24, 2010

Towers of Midnight pushed back

But only a week! Thank goodness. November 2nd will be the magic day. Maybe I will even take the day off, go buy this long-awaited book, sit myself down at a coffeeshop and read, read, read, read, read. Ah, I can't freaking wait. Looking forward to the Towers of Genjei of course, and Perrin/Galad/Morgase and all that, but most of all I want to see what happens to poor old Rand now when he has hopefully returned to something akin to sanity.
So the Demons got back to me, but all they said was that they will send the decision by mail once they've reached it. So helpful, not. By mail? Great, it will be here around the time I'm supposed to pay and then we still gotta agree to a payment plan. Such knobheads. I wrote them back saying that (leaving out the knobhead-bit of course) but they haven't replied. Whatever, we'll figure it all out I guess. I have a feeling they will reject it all anyways, just to be a-holes.

M and I went to Chermside for some Starbucks, now he's playing with Z. Will be quiet day today I think.
Oh yeah, since M now likes to be called Peter Parker, he wants me to call myself Mary-Jane. Isn't that just the cutest ever? Ah, he melts my heart. He even wears his Spidey outfit underneath his normal clothes and tucks the mask in his pants just like Peter Parker does. Good thing too, what if The Green Goblin would have appeared at Chermside this morning to cause havoc and destruction? Then Peter Parker/M/Spiderman would have been ready to fight him!

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