Friday, June 25, 2010


Since I have nothing to say about today... yes, let's just leave it at that... and because Eclipse is premiering today (I think it's today anyways) it is a good day to write about Twilight, or Twitlight, whatever you prefer.
First of all I want to confess to absolutely loving the first Twilight movie. I had no idea what the hell it was about when we got it out on DVD but had of course seen all the tweens running around with shirts and bags and gods-know-what with Twilight/Edward/whatever on them and there had been talk about it at work, as some people I will not name shared with us how much they enjoyed it. And how much their husbands enjoyed it too :-)
It was a beautifully made movie, and super-romantic, and all that. Just stuff girls die for. So I got the book. Well... I had not read anything quite like it... hmm, since I was around 12 years old. It's written for a much younger reader than myself, but it was embarrassingly enough very entertaining in all its sillyness and I ended up reading the whole series. By the time I got to the third or fourth book I was trying to hide the cover when on the train so other adults could not see my shame. Why?
Because hey, it's real rubbish. And the messages it's trying to tell are awful and against everything I believe in and it just does not work. Edward and Bellas relationship is abusive on several levels and I could say the same about Jacob and Bella. So even though it's fun to read and watch, I do worry about what it is saying to its female teen readers. At least in the movies they make Bella a bit more brave, and less stupid.
I guess we will see how the film company deals with the horrific madness of the fourth book once it's time to film that one. To sum it up- see picture.
One good thing about Twilight for myself though, is that it did inspire me to write my own book. I was so bothered by Edward and Bella, and then whilst at a shopping centre saw a little girl wearing a shirt saying something along the lines of "I don't want a prince, I want a vampire" and I thought, HEY! What the hell is wrong with a prince? I have a prince, that I created as a young girl and a story about him... and so I began writing about my poor Prince Kasper again, and now I have a trilogy in the making. It might never be published, it might never be read by anyone beside my mum and my sister... but still I have so much pride in my creation and my beloved characters.
And Aona is not a wimpy doormat type of heroine, and Kasper is not supernatural. She does not stand on the sidelines and quietly admire his stunning features as he saves the day. He saves her at times, she saves him too, they fight and disagree but they love each others as equals.
A real relationship, I think, and very romantic too. I think. Maybe not the most original concept perhaps sad-prince-falls-in-love-with-pretty-orphan-girl, but yet... yeah. Maybe one day you'll get to have a read.

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