Friday, July 23, 2010

Great news. I think.

Well, sort of great news. The Demons STILL have not decided and they have moved the deadline to end of August now! It's like, wow. Lazy bums. But I have to give it to them, they can be quite nice. For example the email I got this morning letting me know, it was very understanding that I found the delay hard and even said that they think it's better if I wait to pay that money in until I get the decision since the amounts will change and most likely decrease. There you go. Understanding human beings. Really, most of our dialogue has been positive. Maybe I shouldn't call them Demons anymore. How about Gargoyles? One step less evil.
Otherwise the day has been busy. First talked to mormor (morfar was asleep), then off to swim school, then to the shops to go to Target Toy Sale ($15 Ben 10 Omnitrix, wow!!!) and had a haircut. Taking it easy this afternoon, vacuuming and washing clothes, and tomorrow I'm working.
Looking forward to some good writing time tonight, as H had computer all to himself last night so it's my turn tonight. I watched 4 episodes of The Big Bang Theory in a row on Go Channel last night. I usually hate those type of sitcoms, but I love this one. They are all so gorgeous.

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