Monday, July 5, 2010

Public display of rage

This woman on the platform at Roma Street station today was having this massively huge argument with her partner on the phone- and she had him on loudspeaker! As if she wanted to share with the rest of us what an imbecile he was. Gosh, people, leave us alone! I do not care. It made it really hard to concentrate on the book I was reading and the peanuts I was eating. Blah.
Work was freaking chaos today, but then I usually don't work on desk on Mondays and hated it of course. I much rather suck saliva and scrub bloody instruments than talk to difficult people on the phone. Especially when they all have severe toothaches that kept them up all night and I have no appointments to give.
One wonderful thing has happened whilst I was without computer. Brandon Sanderson has finished Towers of Midnight. Well, he's still got to do revisions, but the bulk of the writing is done. I wish I could write on a full-time basis. How awesome would that be? Amazing even.
Well, a girl can dream...
Had the best chat with Auntie L on the weekend. I am so lucky to have her here in Australia. Sometimes I feel a bit lonely still, a bit too far away from home (even now, after a decade here) but then I talk to her and it's all better. She is still a 90 minute drive away, but what is that compared to a 24 hour plane ride? Nothing, really.


  1. hej gumman
    härligt att ni fått ny dator
    kan vi prata på torsdag
    eller jobbar du
    kramisar i massor

  2. Vi kan prata pa torsdag. Borjar jobba fyra dagar fran nasta vecka. Kram
