Tuesday, July 20, 2010

R/Street Book Club

I love books. Like really, really love books. And therefore I also love sharing books, and there has been lots of sharing of books at work lately. I have read probably half a dozen of friends' favourite books and at the moment I have three of them lent out to fellow workers/their partners. First I got two people hooked on WOT (yes, sleepless nights and the whole lot) and then shared the not-so magical world of Hunter S Thompson with another person. It's just the best getting to work and hearing all about what they have read over the weekend or whatever and how much they loved it and everything.
Myself, well I am not properly reading at the moment. I randomly pick up a WOT or ASOIAF book from my bookcase to look through on my train rides but my whole head is so focused on Volveon.
Weird letter from the Demons today, that says like nothing. Therefore emailed them, going hey could you please clarify what is going on? And yes, I can pay you an astronomical amount of money this month (not the whole sum but like a third of it) and then let's work something, ANYTHING, out for the rest of it. I mean... how could it take this long to make a decision? Don't they want this to progress and get happening properly? Because goodness knows I do! I hate this limbo-shit.
Today I found out that if you put an extracted tooth in the autoclave it will make the chamber smell bad. That was gross, I thought. I have worked as a DA for six years now and don't get grossed out much (not ever really) but that made my stomach churn.

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