Sunday, July 18, 2010

At the movies

Dropped M off at A&E with mystery bags and brownies. Jumped on train, met Auntie L at Central, ate hot dog, watched movie.
Yes, the movie. Better than the second movie, but not anywhere near as good as the first. I loved the first movie. Second one was crap, this was slightly better crap. Bad acting, or maybe it was just a bad script. Such stupid lines. Edward walks around looking like he's got a very bad tummy ache, Bella needs to freaking cheer up and Jacob just loves getting hurt. The only person that feels real is Charlie, Bellas dad. Otherwise the whole cast is an awfully dreary bunch.
And all this talk of marriage is nauseating. Please, what world do these people live in? Oh yes, of course, in the world of very religious Stephenie Meyer where the heroine can't wait to become an immortal and never see her family again, but just can't commit to getting married? Freaking ridiculous.
Had coffee with Auntie L, we discussed Volveon and then jumped back on the train. H made lamb roast for dinner, very yum.
Over all, this has been the absolutely best weekend we have had in a very long time. A weekend of laughter, smiles, happiness.

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