Friday, July 9, 2010


Yesterday was day 3 of no tantrums. I'm holding my breath for day 4! Could it possibly be coming to an end, all the lying on the floor screaming with fury because I won't let him go to kindy naked or eat 20 bikkies for dinner...
Not that he hasn't gotten angry with me the past few days, but he has only whinged or growled once, and then resigned. Far out... it's amazing. Please, please, please Mr M... let's keep this up, I'm loving it. H thinks perhaps it's our ban on sugary cereal that's done it, maybe he's right. It's a happier thought though to think he's growing out of it and becoming a big boy.
Swim school today of course, and then I don't know what we'll do. We caught up with A&E yesterday, and I think I'd rather not spend any money... I'm thinking park. That'll do it.

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