Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Chocolate coconut brownies

A batch of my world famous brownies are in the oven as we speak. As soon as they are ready, I will go pick M up from kindy. It's been a good day today, and I feel great. The Demons have made up a fabulous payment plan that works awesomely for me and it's a sunny and windy day that makes for great drying of clothes on the clothesline and I got to leave work at lunchtime, picked up some yummy sushi and strolled through the city munching it all down. If only the neighbours in Unit 8 would stop screaming obscenities to each other the bliss would be complete.
Listened to a very, very interesting lady on the radio this morning. She was on Novas breakfast show talking about the immigrants that come on the boats. She was a refugee advocate and had some amazing numbers to share. I don't remember all of it, but for example Oceania only takes in 1% of the worlds refugees. Some countries take more refugees in a day than what Australia does in a whole year. Plus 93% of the poor people on those boats end up getting proper refugee status in Australia because they are deemed to be in life-threatening danger if sent back to Iraq or Afghanistan or wherever they came from. Like she said, you have to be pretty desperate to put your children on a leaky boat and venture out into a great ocean...
I don't think Australians are racist, but there is this fear of boat people that she reckons comes from John Howard linking them directly to September 11 back in 2001. Yes, it was very interesting. There is an election campaign going on at the moment, and the Liberal leader Tony Abbott is making a very big statement in his ads about "stopping the boats". It makes me sick. It makes me wish I had gone for my citizenship last year like I was going to, so I could vote NOT for him.

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