Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A day of disasters!!!

Woke up. Eyes freaking puffed up really bad! Most likely because H drilled through some wood at work yesterday, came home and put his uniform on the bedroom floor. Man, this allergy is serious. If it's going to be an ongoing problem like this, I'm just going to have to do the unthinkable and do the patch test the dermatologist wanted which involves NOT SHOWERING FOR TEN DAYS! Gah, the horror...
Well, work was not disastrous. It was good as always. But then I got home and for some reason there was water everywhere on the kitchen bench and kitchen floor. And tragically my beautiful favourite cookbook was soaked too. Sniffle, sniffle...
So begins another few days of superstrength antihistamines and eye creams. Decided to buy a big can of fish oil capsules too. Odourless of course. I learnt my lesson a couple of years ago when I bought this Omega 3-enriched kids milk for M that stank like fish.
Brownies in the oven. Staff meeting tomorrow, you see, so I thought I could soften it all up with some bakery...

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