Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Alright! I have had a massive coffee!!!! So after work, which was a bit of a drag today, I had to go to the doc to get my script for asthma meds. That went well, even got to go in early, hooray for Dr Mark! Then got meds at pharmacy. Next on the agenda was paying the Demons some monies (four months early, how good am I????) and I figured that would be a more pleasant experience with a large coffee in hand.
Ordered it at Coffee Club and since their coffees usually are a bit on the weak side for me who is so hardcore, I asked for an extra strong one. And gee, I got one. I am buzzing like a crazy person. Visit at the bank was a blast, in spite of handing over large wad of cash.
Yes! I feel so happy... ah, I love caffeine.

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