Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday today, I think.

Finished work early! Yay! Won't have to pick M up for another hour. Sweet. Slept really well last night, and FS shouted me a coffee this morning so I've been full of beans all day. She is throwing us all a work party too at her house next weekend. Lots of Iranian food promised. Sounds great, hey?
H and I watched Fight Club last night, that's the blu-ray I got him for his birthday. I haven't watched it in years. It's weird watching a movie like that when you know what the big twist is at the end. It's such a completely different experience. I should watch The Usual Suspects again... I only watched it once, at the movies, and remember going "WHAT!?!?!" when it was finally revealed who Keiser Sose was. Yes, I probably spelt that name totally wrong.
Best scene of Fight Club is in the end when he shoots himself in the head, then asks one of the guys for some gauze! Then the buildings all explode, and that awesome song comes on (who is it... gee, I don't remember, Pixies?). Yeah, good film.
Now back to the tribe. I got one hour. Oh yeah, here's my flower :-)

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