Monday, September 27, 2010


Work was so busy today, it was great. Lots of phone calls and all dentists very busy, just the way it always should be. Unfortunately it was all kind of wrecked by this constant jackhammering in the building. It started at around 9am and was still going when I left at 1pm-ish. My head was hurting. Hopefully they got it all done today, and tomorrow will be nice and quiet.
H is feeling much better, but he stayed home from work. The hospital was overcrowded last night, so after a few hours he gave up and came home to sleep instead.
I made my favourite dinner tonight, which I never ever make because the boys don't like it. My winter hotpot with red kidney beans, mushrooms, pasta and lots of veggies. I love it! They hate it! Well, I only make it like once every 6 months, so today they just had to suffer. At least H ate his, M just had some of the pasta. Last night I made some "chocolate melting moments" from the chocolate cookbook I got; they didn't really work out that great because I was slightly impatient but they got eaten in the end (by others at home and at work, not myself). All I do is a taste test; just one to make sure it's okay. Then everyone else can have the rest. Not because I don't want to eat them, but I actually get more enjoyment out of other people eating it... weird hey?
Had decent work-out tonight; 20 minute run and then weights with H helping me. Need to get proper shoes for it though, hopefully Thursday night late night shopping.
36 days to go. To what? Towers of Midnight of course!!!

1 comment:

  1. Funtar på dina frågor och återkommer
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