Thursday, September 9, 2010


Today was nuts! At work, that is. Good thing we can all laugh and have fun at the same time as all seemingly falls apart/goes to shit/runs terribly behind/whichever and all of the above. At the end of it, we were actually all good again. Skills, that is :-) Because me and SF and LT are so freaking awesome.
One of my favourite patients was in too. We had to pull his tooth, though, poor guy. It's just so neat to have a good relationship with patients, like they remember my name and ask how M is, and I ask them about their grandkids and so on. It's one of the best parts of my job.

Lasagna in the oven, H has taken Jolene for a drive and M is currently pulling at my hair. Groceries tonight, then tomorrow is P&E and swim and plenty of errands and chores.
Thinking about signing M up for something. He does swimming on Friday mornings, but I'm keen (and he is too) to try something else too. It could possibly be another sport like soccer or tennis (neither very expensive and plenty of places to choose from) or perhaps music (more expensive, but you know they say playing instruments make kids more intelligent) or even Swedish School on Saturday mornings (but again, quite pricey and it's a long drive from here).
So yeah... M is keen on tennis or playing the trumpet... Somehow I think the neighbours in our unit block wouldn't be too thrilled with a trumpet... just a hunch I got.

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