Saturday, October 23, 2010


Lots of dreams last night.
I can never run in my dreams, I wonder why that is. Last night I dreamt I had to get to M at the park really, really fast but I could not move. It's kind of like walking in water, but much harder. I have to use all my strength for every step. It's exhausting and frustrating and I'm always in a need to get somewhere in a hurry but can't. And I panic.
I've had these dreams since I was very young; back then I used to dream I was being chased by mean boys from school and they were really fast catching up to me in seconds.
Another recurring dream I have is losing my front teeth. They get loose and are only held together by my retainer, or they get badly broken. Those dreams are almost worse, because they always feel very real. The running-dream I sort of know I'm dreaming.
Other dreams are me being bullied by people I care about a lot, or that M is in mortal danger and nobody cares except for me (I always save him though!).
I wonder what it all means, if it does mean anything...

1 comment:

  1. Jag drömde alltid om att jag skulle hämta er och kunde inte springa och inte komma fram fort nog
    Det med tänderna drömmer jag fortfarande ibland och det sägs det ska bero på att man är för snäll och eftergiven och behöver sätta ner foten ibland
    Svårt att veta vad som stämmer kanske inget
    kram mamma
