Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hot and sunny

About to collapse into bed. What a big weekend!
Saturday was 4th birthday party for M's kindy twin friends. It was awesome, actually. They had the best fun at the park, and it was lovely to see him with his kindy friends because they all know each other very, very well and just love each other so much. Great family hosting the party too, and the most amazing birthday cakes I have ever seen!!! After party we did some shopping at North Lakes, I got nothing this time because I didn't need anything. Oh well, I got a coffee of course.
And today was going-to-the-beach-day. Now, I have a strained relationship to the beach. I do not like it. It's too bright, too hot, you get sand everywhere and there is really not much to do at the beach apart from an occasional dip in the water or throw like a frisbee around or other similar very lame activities. I am much more of a coffee and shopping in airconditioning kind of girl.
But we did have a great time today. Auntie L came along too, and yeah H made me have a swim in the surf and do I dare admit I had fun? Gah!
Anyways, came home late and now about to hit the sack big time. So freaking tired, and it's Sunday night so guess what... working week starts tomorrow!

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