Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Image uploads disabled

Well, good thing I don't have any images to upload.
Awesome day, in so many ways. Work was insanely busy, but it was great. I love working in surgery when there is lots of things to do. M and I got some stuff at Woolies before going home, then for the first time I made H's classic chilli con carne recipe and did alright too! M ate quite a bit, but he wasn't too keen on the kidney beans. He ate one. Then we did a puzzle, read plenty of books and went to bed without too much drama. Yes, awesome day.
Chapter 2 of TofM has been released, "Questions of Leadership". But only as an audiobook, and since it's about Perrin and Galad who don't really interest me that much I'm just going to leave it. Two weeks to go now. Gah! Gah! Gah!
At kindy they're doing a Nativity Play for the Christmas party so for the first time ever M is being exposed to religion. It's all quite harmless I guess, although he keeps talking about "The Lord Jesus" which kinda really weirds us both out. Ha!

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