Friday, October 1, 2010

Motorway Mayhem (well, not really)

Another busy Friday has come to an end. Lots of driving and way too much coffee, but otherwise a wonderful day.
Started early with chat to P&E of course, and then swim followed by playdate with SBLL. Lovely as always! M just loves B. I didn't take one single wrong turn driving there or back either, yay for me. Even went on Pacific Motorway without breaking a sweat. Hm, it only took 4 years.
Teamwork doing dinner tonight, I made pizza dough and H "decorated" it. It was yum. H dared me to have a shot of tequila, which I did and then another one. After the second one I regretted it, so made myself a coffee and had a shower and am now in better shape.
So, I'm back on facebook and that and starting to remember why I left in the first place. Because I can't help to keep checking it which is so unproductive and boring. Also there is such an element of stalking on facebook, all this anonymous checking of other peoples lives. Gah, shudder. I will stay on there though, and comment here and there, but yeah I do much prefer writing this blog. It's more rewarding, and more fun.

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