Saturday, October 2, 2010

"Apples First"

Woke up really early to read Leigh Butler's re-read post as I always do on Saturday mornings. But there was no re-read. There was something much better! The first chapter of TofM called "Apples First" has been released on Tor's website.
And we got to see Rand, I'm so happy. I do love Mat and Perrin too, but Rand is definitely my favourite ta'veren. And now he's all positive energy and geared up for all he must do.
It's a month to go now. I have never waited for a book in this way before, it is so exciting.
The boys are still sleeping, of course, and so they can for a while longer. We got AOS's birthday party at 11am, so it'll be a lazy morning I believe.
Might go read that chapter again...

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