Saturday, October 30, 2010

Movie Night

Last night H got a couple of DVDs out from Blockbuster. Him and I watched "The Hangover" after M went to bed. Everyone have been raving on about how funny it is, but neither one of us were really that entertained. We never seem to enjoy the movies other people love. Like "Avatar" for example. I just didn't get it. It was okay, but not more than that. On the other hand Baz Luhrmanns "Australia" that nobody liked, just blew me away. Such an incredible movie.
Anyways, this morning we watched the other DVD with M. It was "How To Train Your Dragon". M was actually not that interested, and H thought it was just alright. I LOVED IT! Loved it, loved it, loved it!!! Go see it!!! I wish I could ride on a dragon too.
The only thing I didn't like was the voice for the main character Hiccup. Otherwise, I think it was better than even "The Incredibles" or "Monsters Inc". Yes, we do like cartoons in this house, and not just because of M... most cartoon DVDs we have were purchased by H & me before we became parents.
Solar panels are up, by the way, and the meter is moving backwards. Yay for that.

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