Thursday, November 18, 2010

I'm totally stuffed!

I have run out of time! There is sooo much I have to do, and I just realised I have no time left. The weeks just fly past too fast, and suddenly I have this big weekend of social events and am utterly unprepared. Gosh.
Here is the plan, as it stands. Tomorrow Friday is talking to P&E first thing in the morning, then swim at 10am, playdate with SBLL at midday, home for dinner and that, then I'm off to Beautiful K's birthday party at night. I would have preferred to go to the hairdresser and buy make-up and possibly clothes BEFORE that particular party but it ain't going to happen! Unless we go tonight... hmmm...
Anyways! Saturday H is working in the morning so I plan on dragging poor little M along to shopping at Chermside (bribe him with McD!) and then I have a haircut booked at 1.30pm at the local shops and finally work Christmas party at 5pm. At least I have sorted the Secret Santa pressie for the party.
Sunday I am hoping for a playdate with A&E since I did promise her to catch up this weekend, so will call her tomorrow. Then of course I'd love to do archery, but I don't think it will happen and also there is a Club Comp on at the range all weekend and I am totally not ready for that, so might stay away for now. Perhaps go after work one day next week? It just seems a bit scary to be out there alone, it's kind of away in the bushes off a little road and what if some crazy bogan comes along? Well, I guess I can always shoot him, hey?
M and I did groceries this afternoon, and we totally smashed a block of dark chocolate between the two of us, so unless I get to go to the shops tonight, I might try to work off some of that chocolate on the cross trainer.
Oh yeah. I have had too much coffee today. I just wrote this in like two minutes.

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