Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Name change

I think I might re-name Lloid. I think I might call him Landon. I have never really liked the original name, but for some reason I can not explain I need to stick to the letter "L".
Anyways, I have returned to writing now after a bit of a hiatus because of Towers of Midnight and then being sick so much. But the next part is slowly shaping up, it was 80% written in fragments but needs to be glued together properly.
Today was work, and then some laundry, coffee at Coffee Club, H and M and dinner and yadda yadda. Not particularly eventful. Going to bed now. Tired, tired, tired.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't Landon Dr Quinn's hottie? It is a nice name though. We have two tawnies now too, they are so cool!
