Monday, November 22, 2010

New book

I have started reading my Secret Santa present from work party. It was from OB, I knew it was from her the moment I saw it! A book called "Assassins Apprentice" by Robin Hobb. I have just started and it's quite intriguing straight away which is always a good sign.

It will be an interesting read, because it's a fantasy novel written by a female writer. It is also the first part of a trilogy, it is written out of the POV of a man, and it's a story about a royal bastard. Well, there you go! I am sure there will be something for me to learn from this particular read.

Work was great, ended up staying later than planned but it was fine because it was such a good day.

Weekend booked up now. Friday swim and Santa photo, Saturday work and Sunday archery and then BBQ in Calvert with cousin AJ and his friend. Busy, busy, busy. Just like it should be.

Boys in bed already, and off to Volveon I go.

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