Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Not much of a day really

But it has been good! Real good actually. Work was great, worked with WW which is always cruisy. Got to go home early and got shit done before picking M up. Didn't even have to cook dinner tonight, just heated up left-overs.
Book is going good, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. It's set in a world quite similar to the one I write about, although I have basically no magic involved. Perhaps that is a mistake? I could incorporate magic quite easily, I know where to place it too. Something to consider.
Funny enough, one of the characters reminds me sooo much of Christophers father in the Dog-book I read last week. And yes, it is a very male-dominated world, which I find quite interesting. I wonder if she will present any strong women as the story moves along...
Brownies in the oven, cross-trainer tonight. And then work on the section of my book that I printed yesterday. A final fix-up, and then send it on to my readers. Book Two is already twice as long as Book One. But filling out Book One is going to be a breeze, and it is what I will focus on once I finish Book Two first draft.
Todays picture is The Red Viper; Oberyn Martell. Coolest daddy in Westeros!

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